2018 to Present
Dawn articles
The News articles
The National Interest articles
Why Trump's Troubling Pakistan Policy Dooms Afghanistan Peace
Why Pakistan Needs a Democratic Revolution
What Pakistan Needs from America's Afghan War Effort
Dancing on the edge
Will Pakistan Find Stability Following Its Latest Political Shake-up?
A long wait for democracy
The future of democracy
Kashmir: an alternative view
Did America "sabotage" Pakistan's democratisation?
Fighting on three fronts
Are India-Pakistan Relations Doomed?
The Real Key to Trump's Afghanistan Strategy
Afghanistan war: some glaring misperceptions
The Danger of Trump's Pakistan Approach
US-Pakistan relations: can a lobbyist help?
Policy dilemmas
Policy confusions
US-Pakistan relations: uncertainties ahead
Two Trumps and two Americas
After Modi's Visit to Pakistan: Beyond Hugs and Handshakes
What's Wrong With US-Pakistan Relations?
Is the United States Abandoning Pakistan (Again)?
In With the Old: India-Pakistan Relations at a Standstill
What Did Pakistan Premier Sharif Actually Accomplish on His US Visit?
U.S.-Pakistan Relations Must Rebalance for Today's World
New Pakistan President and Secretary Kerry's visit to Pakistan
Interview on Iran by the Foreign Policy Research Center New Delhi
US Pakistan Relations -- an Historical Review -- Criterion Quarterly
General Raheel Sharif Appointed as Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff
Understanding democracy in Pakistan
Second term's challenges
Obama, Afghanistan and Pakistan
'Democracy' vs democracy
Partners in denial
Rethinking our foreign policy
What kind of democracy?
A complicated approach
Uncertain times
US-Pakistan Relations: What Trust Deficit? - The Middle East Institute
Policy Brief
Secretary Clinton's Challenges in Pakistan
Post 1979 Pakistan: what went wrong?
Interview by the Monitor -
A journal of international studies at the College of William and Mary
US Relations with Pakistan: The Need for a Strategic Shift
The War on Terrorism: What Went Wrong?
Pakistanis at the crossroads
A movement for reform
The Perils of Extremism
US & democracy in Pakistan
Will America attack Iran?
Will the US listen to the OIC?
A symbiotic relationship
Future of US-Pakistan relations
Where the US went wrong
State Institute of Peace - Special Report on U.S.-Pakistan Engagement
Our Image Abroad
Allies, but not friends
Democracy and governance
Winning the war against terror
OP-ED: Islam and the West: obstacles to understanding
Perception and reality: Islam and the West-II
Islam and the West: distorting realities
Peace in South Asia: US factor
Bush vs. Bush
A Pakistani perspective: Necessity for peace has never been greater
India-Pakistan: it would take three to tango
Imperial America: a sceptic?s view
Cost of Iraq adventure
OIC: myth and reality
Militant Islam and Washington neo-conservatives: Best friends of each other
Op-ed: We need wider debate on Kashmir
Perceptions and reality - India Pakistan relations
Washington's terms of engagement
Pakistan's image abroad
Making of our (Pakistan) foreign policy