Remarks by Ambassador Toquir Hussain at an
International Symposium on “Islam: Fostering Peace and
Dialogue in an Interdependent World”with Mahatir
Mohammad the Prime Minister of Malaysia as the Key
Note Speaker
Speech to the Japanese Parliamentarians Tokyo June 2002
Speech at the United Nations University Tokyo on 29 May 2002 at the International Conference on South Asia
Speech at the Reception on May 9 2002 in Tokyo to celebrate 50th anniversary of the establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Pakistan
Recent developments in Pakistan and in Japan-Pakistan relations
Speech at the annual meeting of the Japan -Pakistan Association Jan 2002
Japan and Globalization at the Women's University Gumma
Speech to the inaugural session of Japanese Parliamentary Friendship League for Islamic Countries
Speech at the GRIPS (Graduate Institute of Policy Studies) Tokyo
Speech before the Diet members of ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan June 2000--Tokyo